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    Insect food you can trust.

    Food Safety

    Environmental Care

    Social Compliance


    ENTOTRUST is the insect food certification, it considers the whole production process, including environmental footprint and social compliance.


    The ENTOTRUST label on packaging is the proof that the producer reached high quality and total food safety, within local and international requirements.




  • Safe alternative proteins

    The program for insect food quality. We are an independent organization, certifying the quality of food products, containing edible insects. Certified products are safe and sustainable. The ENTOTRUST label is assigned only to those producers and farms complying with strict requirements.


    What drives us.

    A world where edible insects will supply healthy food, making high value proteins accessible to a wider population with important environmental and social benefits.


    Why we exist.

    ENTOTRUST mission is to support consumer acceptance of food products with alternative insect proteins, by backing quality producers, confirming their statements, helping to maintain top quality standards and defend their reputation.


    The principles.

    The program, based on international food and sustainability standards, follows the principles of:

    • Integrity. The organization is free from direct participation of producers and farmers.
    • Evidence. Solid scientific base with research partners.
    • Contribution. We participate in research. The input of all stakeholders is highly valuable.


    The Services.

    We certify innovative products and offer continuous improvement to farmers and manufacturers.

    • Food and Feed Certification
    • Nutri Report tailored nutritional guide for your products
    • Expert advise for insect farming and food production
    • Your GHGE calculation (greenhouse gas emissions)


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    Show your quality, protect your brand.

    We enable producers to be unique and preferred.


    Insect food trend is growing, with many farmers and manufactures entering the market. We confirm the quality of your products and processes, through the ENTOTRUST audit. You gain consumers' trust.

    ENTOTRUST is the international voluntary program to certify manufactures and farms. Certified producers.

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    Eat safe and good food.

    We stand for consumers information and health.

    In the growing offer of insect based food, it is difficult to discern "garage" products from consciously produced qualitative ones. ENTOTRUST logo on pack helps you to avoid surprises, potentially harmful.

    ENTOTRUST label on the packaging is the reference to buy safe and high quality products.

  • How it works

    Affirm your products' safety, confirm your sustainability. We support you by auditing, within the existing food regulations, the manufacturing and farming activities. The program follows specific requirements and food standards (e.g. FSSC 22000, HACCP, GFSI). The assessment takes into account primarily:

    • Chemical elements presence
    • Microbiological elements
    • Ingredient origin and authenticity
    • Food safety in the processes
    • Environmental impacts and social fairness in the activities

    The analyses are performed by accredited laboratories and audits are carried out by expert auditors. We comply with the ISO/IEC 17021 standard meaning that we are able to ensure a competent audit team, following a consistent process and reporting results.



    We certify fact-based. An initial interaction on comprehensive topics is followed by the audit. Your products will be examined by accredited laboratories.



    The evaluation is thorough, including the laboratory results, interviews, site visus and provided documentation. We rely on professional auditors.



    We'll share with you the results of the audit and key indicators. We will advise about improvements and action plan when necessary.



    When requisites are met the ENTOTRUST certification is granted and seal is licensed for packaging and media purposes.

    Exemplary products >

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    Get started

    Certify your products.

    Consumers need information on product quality. Surveys show that our certification logo on packaging increases perceived safety at least by 40%. This means preference and loyalty.


    Have your products ENTOTRUST certified.

  • Team

    Passion for doing good food.


    It all started with our founders, international citizens and sustainability activists.

    They realized that transparency on food origin, quality and environmental care are must.

    The team of experts in quality assurance, biology, nutrition and food innovation converged.

    Conscious producers should standout with the support of an independent organization that promotes continuous improvement, streghtens their messages and safeguards their investments.


    General coordinator

    Industrial Designer, experienced in product development and manufacturing. After graduation at the Institute of Technology, she earned her Master in Design in Milan, Italy. Worked for international brands and managed a science publishing company focused on tropical species. She successfully led the go-to-market of product lines. Capable manager and forward thinker, she envisions a future of healthier food for many.


    Scientific coordinator

    Expert in the safety and legislative aspects of edible insects. He collaborated in scientific reports by EFSA and OIE. Degree in Veterinary medicine and PhD in Veterinary Science. More than ten years as veterinary researcher, he has dealt with: food microbiology, novel food, microbiological risk assessment. He has authored several publications in scientific journals, books and monographs.


    Audit and network

    Loredana has always been into food quality, after achieving the SFAM Placement Scholarship to identify the antibiotic resistance genes in unknown bacteria, from different food samples, she is now at the Food Science GCU (Scotland) as certified HACCP auditor. Her passion for alternative proteins was triggered after having lived one month on insect food, since then she promotes more sustainable food habits and lifestyle.


    Operations and governance

    MBA with more than 20 years in food and retail. He takes care of our continuous development and stakeholders relationships. Focused on innovation and product development, operations and quality in different industries. He is a serial traveler and explorer, triggered by biology, wilderness, local traditions and food discoveries.


    Sustainability advisor

    PhD in the department of Zoology, University of Cambridge. Charlotte has done research on several aspects of insects as food, including the nutritional composition and role of wild and farmed species, as well as the sustainability of their cultivation and collection. She has done fieldwork in Japan, Congo, Mexico and Zimbabwe. Her current activity is with Springer.


    Activation ambassador

    Senior manager, confirmed bicultural in Italy and France, obsessed by consumer demand analysis and a trailblazer. Master at L. Bocconi University Milan Italy, he was Marketing Direction and CGO officer in various multinational firms in the last 20 years. Based in France he focuses on network development and partnerships building.

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    Our code of conduct: download.



  • Sustainable safe

    Consumers want to be informed, thus demanding high-quality food.

    Quality is a chain where a missing ring can compromise consumer satisfaction or health.

    In food manufacturing there are aspects to be handled, such as hygiene measures, origin of the ingredients, contamination, storage and packaging... Insect farms might have environmental impacts for the use of energy. Which feed is given to the insects? how are the personnel working conditions?


    Insects, as alternative source of proteins, carry great potential as well as important responsibilities.

    Producers and farmers join the ENTOTRUST program to be on the safe side.

    Let the numbers speak, known and unknown facts:

    10 times less land occupied

    Per unit of weight of mealworms protein versus cow

    (source: Oonincx, De Boer)

    at least 2000 times less water

    The water resource ratio to obtain the same amount of cricket proteins vs. beef

    (source: various on 'virtual water' concept)


    Expected world population in 2050

    (source: United Nations DESA)

    14 times less CO2

    Livestock sector, generates 18% of greenhouse gas emissions as measured in CO2 equivalent

    (source: FAO. Steinfeld et al.)

    Heavy Metals 

    Cadmium is a carcinogenic substance particularly toxic for kidney.
    Cadmium can persist in kidney for up to 30 years.


    Lead is a cumulative toxicant that affects multiple body systems and is particularly harmful to children.


    Insect may carry and be contaminated by.


    Listeria monocytogenes are widely distributed in nature and can contaminate foods.
    Listeria can cause hepatitis and meningitis.


    Salmonella is the most frequent foodborne pathogen at global level. 15% of foodborne diseases without cure.

    Preventive measures along the food chain are must.


    Insect protein can trigger allergic reactions due to a potential cross-reaction with crustaceans and house dust mites allergy.


    These allergies are among the most common in food and cause for allergic people to visit emergency units.


    Clear labelling and information are must.


    Are carcinogenic substances produced by mold during improper storage.


    A toxic metabolite produced by organisms of the fungus kingdom and is capable of causing serious disease. 1 of 10 unsolved foodborne diseases is attributed to mycotoxins.


    Not eliminated through ordinary cooking.

  • News

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    What is Smart Food?

    Build muscle while boosting your immune system

    The British Nutrition Foundation classifies smart foods as designed to nourish the body and provide great benefits for health. Alternative proteins provided by Crickets are a part of this, as excellent source of high-quality protein.

    KRIKETTI makes them readily available as classic protein powder and tasty vanilla or cocoa cookies, Entotrust certified. Results? Eating crickets can increase the abundance of beneficial bacteria in the gut (Bifidobacterium) and reduce inflammation. As well as improving immune function, helping building and repairing muscle tissues. In the medium term, a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes and other metabolic pathologies. Try them here.

    Credits: Kriketti, all rights reserved.

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    Italy approves insects as food

    Clear rules by the "food-conservative" country

    In 2024 a regulation became official: EU approved in early 2023 the sale of insects for human consumption, but Italy reacted with regulations such as ensuring insects are kept away from traditional dishes such as pasta and pizza. The government then conceded imposing clear labelling rules, stating the origin and the scientific name of the insect (eg. Acheta domesticus, for cricket) and to display these products only in retailers' dedicated shelves.

    Credits: The Guardian, all rights reserved.

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    ENTOTRUST joins the SDG Partnerships

    Actively supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    Entotrust has been recognized by the United Nations as a relevant project to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs, legitimized in its activities at global level. We received the honour of joining the SDG Partnerships. Thanks to our clients and supporters! All the details here: #SDGAction50217.

    Credits: Entotrust team, all rights reserved.

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    Sustainable Development Goals focus

    Our supporting mission

    Traditional meat industry is not sustainable, animals are fed with vegetable proteins to produce … proteins. The irresponsible land use is devastating biodiversity, the trend of CO2 emissions cannot continue. ENTOTRUST committed to support 4 United Nations' SDG by making alternative proteins part of the diet of more people, with environmental and social benefits. Insects as source of proteins are nutritious, require a fraction of resources, with almost no CO2 emissions. ENTOTRUST logo on packaging builds trust of the consumers to adopt new dietary habits.

    Credits: Entotrust team, all rights reserved.

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    Shawarma delight

    Quality street food now available

    Shawarma is a popular Middle Eastern street food dish consisting of meat cut into thin slices, roasted on a slowly-turning vertical rotisserie. Traditionally made with lamb, chicken or turkey...now with buffalo-worm (Alphitobius diaperinus). The De Krekerij’s Buffalo Shawarma is delicious with a wonderfully meaty texture, juicy taste and authentic seasoning. Now also ENTOTRUST certified. Be the change: one bite at a time.

    Credits: De Krekerij, all rights reserved.

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    Now the House Cricket!

    We welcome another insect officially approved in EU

    The European Union (EU) approved in January the Acheta Domesticus, commonly known as the house cricket, to be commercialized starting on the 24th January 2023. The approved regulation allows to introduce the dry powder of the house cricket into the EU market. The new ingredient is very versatile to produce several foods, for example bakery; pasta; crisps and snacks; meat alternatives; protein bars and biscuits. Indeed a significant step for more sustainable consumption.

    Credits: EU Commission, detailed source here.

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    Addicted to innovation

    Pulled meat alternative? Sure!

    De Krekerij team relentlessly seeks for making tasty food more sustainable. Knowing that in more than 80% of countries worldwide, crickets are eaten because of their taste, they captured this meaty taste and transformed it into Pulled Meat. A unique combination of cricket meat with vegetable additives, a new ingredient for your signature buns or poke bowl. This future proof meat is sustainable, high in proteins and vitamin B12, now ENTOTRUST certified. The future is now and tasty!

    Credits: De Krekerij, all rights reserved.

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    Innovation for breakfast

    Start the day with extraordinary cookies

    Fucibo launched the first Italian cookies with the addition of insect flour authorized by the European Community.
    Available in two flavours they are better for the environment and for you, with a protein boost and extra micronutrients.
    The valuable protein within is from Tenebrio molitor, source of iron, and vitamins. The Fucibo biscuits achieved the ENTOTRUST certification for the high quality standard. These cookies with less carbohydrates, and more protein are available here.

    Credits: FUCIBO, all rights reserved.

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    Catch it if you can

    The “hamburger” tastier than ever

    De Krekerij team, did it again, and just achieved the ENTOTRUST certification for their HOPPER BURGER, sustainable food and health are for everyone. The new choice is a tender, savoury burger combining cricket meat with vegetable ingredients. This unique meat is sustainable having a mini environmental impact and nutritious for the high protein content and vitamin B12. Freshly frozen are ready to cook, available at specialty shops and national retailers. Join the crick-revolution!

    Credits: De Krekerij, all rights reserved.

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    Latest insect food approved by EFSA

    The lesser mealworm assessed safe!

    4th July 2022 marks another step into a wider use of alternative proteins as the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a positive assessment of Alphitobius diaperinus larva. The opinion of the scientific panel comprises the frozen and freeze-dried formulations of the lesser mealworm, whole or in powder. This to be used as an ingredient to various products such as cereal bars, pasta, meat imitates and bakery products. More at: EFSA Journal

    Credits: EFSA, all rights reserved.

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    Capture the great taste

    Classic “meatballs” of future-proof meat

    De Krekerij team, based in the Netherlands, believes in a world with a future-proof food system, where good food and health come together. That's why they developed the tastiest MEAT BALLS from crickets and grasshoppers. Delicious and great to bite, high in protein, source of calcium, zinc and vitamin B12, all with a mini environmental impact. All the reason why they achieved the ENTOTRUST certification. Chilled for highest quality, these “meatballs” are ready for pan or oven. Also vailable at LIDL in 420 stores. Capture the great taste!

    Credits: De Krekerij, all rights reserved.

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    Aztec flair for modern proteins

    OKUILLI means worm, in the ancient Nahuatl language of the Aztecs, and OPTIPROT is the company in Cuernavaca, Mexico, that developed large scale farming of Tenebrio molitor. But this is modern superfood: high in protein (53%) and nutritious with iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, omega 3 and 6, amino acids, free of chemicals and hormones. OPTIPROT achieved the ENTOTRUST certification for high quality, food safety and for the farming committed to environmental sustainability, utilizing for example only natural and organic products as feed. Optiprot.com 

    Credits: OPTIPROT, all rights reserved.

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    Healthier indulgence

    The Italian treats that unite tradition and innovation

    Fucibo chips are the first Italian product with insect flour, authorized by the European Community. An innovative baked corn snack, a familiar product to introduce consumers to edible insects. The insect content (Tenebrio molitor) is a source of proteins, iron, and vitamins and incredibly sustainable. For their high quality they achieved the ENTOTRUST certification.
    With less fats and carbohydrates, and more protein, you can indulge more often. Available in pizza and cheese flavours here.

    Credits: FUCIBO, all rights reserved.

    One month insect food challenge

    One month challenge

    Living on insect proteins daily, lunch and dinner

    Would you eliminate, starting tomorrow, all traditional meat from your diet and replace it with insect proteins, every day? There are thousands of scientific evidences that insects are healthy and rich in nutrients, but Loredana H. wanted to prove it in person. As young scientist she decided to have insect food daily for one month. This experience eliminates any doubt. Read the interview.

    Credits: ENTOTRUST, all rights reserved.
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    Save the planet... eat nachos

    Food of the future certified

    CRICK SUPERFOODS is the first company to produce insect based food in Ecuador. They wanted to make an impact re-inventing nachos with high content in cricket proteins. Good for people and good for the planet is the purpose of Francisca the energetic woman driving this successful team. They achieved the ENTOTRUST certification for high quality and sustainable practices. Two flavours (sea salt and chili) that consumers find irresistible, tasty and crunchy, while nutritionally balanced.

    Credits: Crick Superfoods, cricksuperfoods.com 

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    Entotrust confirmed very effective

    Higher consumers' preference vs established certifications

    Researches with consumers show that the Entotrust logo visible on packaging increases perceived food safety by 40% for the same product without certification label. Additionally, it performs better than widely known food certifications (e.g. Organic, Fairtrade, Bio) in direct comparison on the same product, for consumer purchase intention and visual appeal. We are extremely proud of this recognition, that validates our mission.

    Credits: Various authors, full paper in resources "Foods-12-03606"

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    Another insect is EU approved

    Locusta migratoria hits the market

    The EU Commission in November 2021 authorised frozen, dried and powder forms of Locusta migratoria as a food (detail here).
    Another achievement towards the wider adoption of insect based alternative proteins, thank to the application of the company Fair Insects located in the Netherlands. Albeit being an exclusive authorisation to "the applicant’s file for the sole use of the applicant” it does not prevent others from applying for the same novel food. Let’s stay tuned.

    Credits: EU Commission, 2021.

    Insect food safety survey by Entotrust

    Australia one step ahead

    A roadmap for strategic growth of the edible insects industry

    Alternative proteins are flourishing, veggie is the low hanging fruit, but insect proteins in a wider number of countries become the real alternative and a cultural change.
    We recommend the report by CSIRO, Australia’s national science organization, which identifies the challenges and opportunities for the Australian edible insect industry providing a detailed framework for all stakeholders. Australia is well positioned to contribute to the edible insect market with a tradition of agricultural innovation and bio-diversity. Download the report.

    Credits: CSIRO, Dr Rocio Ponce-Reyes, Dr Bryan Lessard.

    Human rights in insect food

    Why social fairness in insect food?

    Upcoming human rights rules

    The EU is planning to introduce mandatory human rights due diligence regulations. Many governments will be serious about addressing working conditions in supply chains. The insect food industry must avoid the pitfall of other food chains. The new laws would require retailers to show that suppliers adopted social standards. Part of the ENTOTRUST audit is to verify also social fairness. Read the full article here.

    Entotrust celebrates EFSA evaluation

    Insect food approved by European FSA

    Tenebrio molitor stated safe, finally

    13 January 2021 can be considered a historical day in Europe for insect food. In fact, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) issued a positive assessment of Tenebrio molitor paving the way for a wider EU consensus, where some countries still ban its commercialization. Using insects in food is more than a trend, and the EFSA’s evaluation is essential for the policymakers who will decide for the wider EU authorization in the next months.

    Credits: EFSA, all rights reserved. The EFSA Journal.

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    Certified macarons for retail!

    Retailer Kaufland introduced since April insect-based food items

    The German retailer started to introduce in Croatia a selection of insect food products, described as 'healthy, eco-conscious, and highly nutritious’ emphasising the sustainability dimensions.

    Mealworm powder is the key ingredient of the biscuits line produced by MINUS FARM. The almond macarons, the speculoos and shortbread chocolate biscuits are ENTOTRUST certified.

    Credits: Virginie Mixe, co-founder. minusfarm.fr

    consumers preference for evidence

    Consumers prefer evident quality

    54% of consumers look for reassurance on pack

    Over the last years, and nowadays with stronger emphasis on food safety and "earth care", a certification on packaging, which is not an obscure code, gives value to the product in consumer's perception. Studies confirm that preference is given to those products carrying quality certifications. Such labels on packaging provide proof of marketing statements, gain visibility and purchase. Read the full article.

    Credits: Mauro Bianchi, all rights reserved.

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    Eco-nutrition, certified

    The central value of alternative food

    Eco-nutrition is the concept supported by the IN Insect-Nutrition team. Their 100% cricket powder embodies the renovated value of food for human health, environmental defence and ethical consumption. Now ENTOTRUST certified for its high quality and sustainable farming. It is an alternative protein naturally rich in fibres, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and B12 vitamin. Adaptable ingredient in daily diets, ready to eat or in preparations for bakery, fitness programs or gourmet inspiration.

    Credits: IN Insect Nutrition, insectnutrition.mx.

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    Covid and food

    Food itself is not a source of infection

    With the hope of a definitive solution to the pandemic, good news is that the virus is not transmitted by food, both EFSA’s chief scientist, Marta Hugas and US FDA agree. This is valid also for insect-based foods, as confirmed by a recent review (Maciel-Vergara & Ros, 2017), when proper food handling and processing practices are applied. Stay healthy. Read the full article.

    Credits: Entotrust team, all rights reserved.

    Syngja certified by Entotrust

    Certified juices for vitality

    Crickets are very rich in B12 vitamin

    The Danish team Syngja developed natural juices, with organic fruits, vegetables, and cricket powder. The refreshing and tasty shots, available in 3 flavours, offer an everyday boost for vitality and energy. The cricket powder and its B12 content constitute a key element for human health. The newly achieved Entotrust certification confirms safety, health and low environmental footprint.

    Credits: Jakob Rukov founder. Syngja.dk

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    Summit for food innovation. UK

    New thinking. Game changing. Future making.

    Entotrust is official supporter of the Food Matters Summit, first event of its kind in the UK, connecting organisations across the food supply chain, bringing together disruptive innovators and multinational companies. Carefully curated content will be delivered by a cast of 100 international speakers. Themes include:

    • The food revolution: feeding 10 billion people sustainably
    • Tomorrow's innovation: defining the future of food systems
    • Feeding the future: how disruption changes food industry

    Visit: www.foodmatters.co.uk Join the event with the ENTOTRUST member pass.

    Entotrust certified

    Certified, front runner Canadian farm

    Earth preservation through alternative proteins

    Since 2014, Entomo Farms has been developing large scale cricket farming. The protein powder is for B2B and for end consumers. Entomo Farms is the largest scale farm of crickets in North America.

    They choose Entotrust to confirm their high standards of food safety and environmental sustainability. Entotrust certifies the whole chain from farm to fork, as a guarantee for consumers and in recognition of high quality food products..

    Credits: Kelly Hagen, COO. Entomofarms.com

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    Insetec 2019, Brazil

    Production technologies, environment and nutrition.

    November 6th-8th. Entotrust joins the first Brazilian conference on edible insects, originated by ASBRACI and the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). In the agenda: Ethno-Entomology, Entomoculture and Technologies (production, management, environment and techniques of processing, scale and associated biotechnologies); Food and Feed (quality and composition, storage and conservation); Market and Legislation.

    Credits: INSETEC.

    Entotrust certified

    Zophobas for haute cuisine. Certified

    The starred chefs choice in Mexico

    ZOFO is the brand name of oven dried and naturally spiced Zophobas morio developed by Chikle Project in Mexico. Available in 3 flavors and a unique salt mix, it is produced in the first Cancun insects farm already operating at scale, and recently ENTOTRUST certified. The chefs professional community already recognized outstanding taste and inspiration, while ENTOTRUST confirmed food safety and operations sustainability.

    Credits: Andre Demontigny, Managing Director. zofo.mx

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    Research presented at Insecta 2019, Germany

    Entotrust collaboration on insects authenticity

    The food technology lab of Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie, Italy, presented the poster at the INSECTA 2019 expert conference in Potsdam, 5-6 September 2019. The pilot study, still ongoing, is aimed at evaluating the possibility of applying DART-HRMS to insect powder for authenticity purposes and it is carried out in collaboration with the Entotrust network. Entotrust was also sponsor of the conference. Download

    Credits: Simone Belluco, IZSdV, all rights reserved.

    IPSIO Valala Farm certified Entotrust

    Certified crickets under the baobab

    Food security goes with wildlife future

    Madagascar’s biodiversity is threatened by the rising demand for food, farming and wild lemur hunting, nowadays only 10% of natural habitat remains. But, how to cope with the world’s fourth highest rate of malnutrition? The IPSIO group of experts, Insects and People of the Southwest Indian Ocean, developed in the last 2 years a program to farm local insects for food purposes. ENTOTRUST contributed assessing the farm and processes, providing recommendations and certification of the key product: cricket protein powder. The Valala Farm is located in the Madagascar Biodiversity Center, Antananarivo.

    A Malagasy proverb speaks “Valala iray hifanapahana” I have only one cricket but I will break it in half to share.

    Credits: Brian Fisher coordinator. ipsio.org

    Entotrust certified

    Certified cricket... crackers

    UK firm innovates ubiquitous US bread

    Four flavours crackers by Cricke' have achieved the ENTOTRUST certification. The reengineered flat bread offers a contemporary and versatile source of protein. Assessed safe and sustainable, they scored utmostly low GHG emissions, 0,12 kg/year CO2. Check the co-founder video >

    Credits: Edoardo Imparato, co-founder. crickefood.com

    Entotrust certified

    Certified caterpillars

    Great nutrients and taste available all year

    Fasopro, the shea-tree caterpillars manufacturer achieved the Entotrust certification. Based in Burkina Faso, with the mission to create a source of income for rural women involved in the seasonal collection, thus allowing the availability of this tasty and nutritious food all the year. The products and processes, from collection to packaging, have showed to be safe and highly sustainable.

    Credits: Kahitouo Hien, founder and GM. fasopro.bf

    Merci Mercado certified Entotrust

    Certified Chapulines from Mexico

    Millenary tradition encounters new food habits

    Merci Mercado achieved the ENTOTRUST certification for food safety and sustainability. The wild collection of seasonal grasshoppers respects insect lifecycle, and allows local population to gain a fair extra income. A responsible product that truly matches tradition, nutritional richness and taste. Check the co-founder video >

    Credits: Nahabi V. and Laurence H. mercimercado.com

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    Prevention through insects

    Antioxidants groundbreaking new study

    Eating insects may be recommended for cancer prevention. An Italian study demonstrated that insects contain high concentrations of antioxidants. Prof Mauro Serafini reports that "in the future, we might adapt dietary regimens for insect rearing in order to increase their antioxidant content”.

    Credits: University of Teramo, M.S., all rights reserved.

    Minusfarm certified Entotrust

    Certified Molitor!

    2019 starts with safe & sustainable MOLITOR

    The Minusfarm Molitor comes from a responsible farm that has been independently certified to the ENTOTRUST quality standards. This insect food has met the ENTOTRUST food safety and sustainability requirements for farming and manufacturing. See here the video >

    Credits: Virginie Mixe, co-founder. minusfarm.fr

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    More light on nutritional composition

    Wild harvested insects study. 2018

    We recommend this new study regarding wild harvested edible insects. With potential to contribute to nutrition security, yet the nutritional composition is often unknown. The study investigated the nutritional composition of wild harvested Eulepida mashona and Henicus whellani and its variation in different harvest places.

    Credits: Faith A. Manditsera, Pieternel A. Luning, V. Fogliano, C.M.M. Lakemond.

    Avaento Chrys Mei certified Entotrust

    First certified functional drink

    Innovation from silkworm peptides

    Avaento is the company that developed the first beauty drink with silkworm peptides, Chrys Mei. The birth of this drink is the combination of traditional farming of silkworms and the latest food technologies. Rigorous processes and consistent quality are confirmed by ENTOTRUST.

    Credits: Avaento Inc., Zilu Wan.

    A cleaner world

    Read on insects sustainability

    Edible Insects in Sustainable Food Systems. 2018

    The book takes a multi-disciplinary approach to analysing how insects contribute to food systems around the world. Includes unique research on multiple countries. Features state-of-the-art research on farmed, semi-cultivated and wild insect species.

    Springer Publishing. Editors: Halloran, A., Flore, R., Vantomme, P., Roos, N.

    Future Food Vision

    Growing population calls for new options

    As we struggle to feed our growing population, here is how the champions of technology are going to shape our food. A short tutorial explaining nutrition alternatives and applied sciences.

    Credits: Astrolabe, all rights reserved.

  • Resources

    Papers and scientific references for download


    Papers for download

    The following titles can also be requested via email. Here.

    • New protein sources and food legislation: the case of edible insects and EU law. Food Security. Belluco S, Halloran A, Ricci A. 2017.
    • Edible insects: a food security solution or a food safety concern? Anim. Front. 5:25–30. Belluco Simone, Losasso Carmen, Maggioletti Michela, Alonzi Cristiana, Ricci Antonia, Paoletti Maurizio G. 2015.
    • Edible insects in a food safety and nutritional perspective: A critical review. Compr. Rev. Food Sci. Food Saf. 12:296–313. Belluco S, Losasso C, Maggioletti M, Alonzi CC, Paoletti MG, Ricci A. 2013.
    • A review of the scientific literature on the control of Salmonella spp. in food-producing animals other than poultry. OIE. Belluco S, Cibin V, Davies R, Ricci A, Wales A. 2015.
    • Il consumo di insetti dal punto di vista della sicurezza alimentare: inquadramento normativo e valutazioned dei rischi. In: Gli insetti una risorsa sostenibile per l’alimentazione. XVI. Accademia Nazionale Italiana di Entomologia. p. 21–28. Belluco S, Mantovani A, Ricci A. 2015.
    • Toxoplasma gondii infection and food consumption: A systematic review and meta-analysis of case-controlled studies. Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. Belluco S, Simonato G, Mancin M, Pietrobelli M, Ricci A. 2017.
    • Nanotechnology and Food: Brief Overview of the Current Scenario. Procedia Food Sci. 5:85–88. Gallocchio F, Belluco S, Ricci A. 2015.
    • Entomophagy and Power. Müller 1,2*, J. Evans 2, C.L.R. Payne 3,4 and R. Roberts 2.
    • Ecosystem Services from Edible Insects in Agricultural Systems: A Review. Charlotte L. R. Payne 1,* and Joost Van Itterbeeck.

    External documents



  • Contact

    You can write us below or directly set an online meeting HERE

    Milan, Italy

    Representatives in:
    . Germany
    . United Kingdom
    . Mexico
    . USA
    Mon - Fri, 9am to 5pm CET

    the quality label for pet food and feed.

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    ENTONUTRE is quality pet food

    Also our pet friends, must count with high quality feed based on insect proteins. They deserve more than a mixture of processed meat by-products, synthetic thickeners and flavour enhancers.


    The ENTONUTRE certification enables the feed producer to attest safety and sustainability, that become visible on the packaging.


    This is the assurance that pet food was lab tested to avoid contaminants and the processes audited to confirm good practices and low environmental impacts.



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    ENTONUTRE is quality feed

    The quote "you are what you eat" has never been so right as nowadays. Knowing that the feed given to farmed animals can reach unprecedent levels of chemical and biological contaminants, antibiotics and microplastics. Quality food comes from quality feed.


    With ENTONUTRE the feed for farmed animals, poultry or aquaculture, is lab tested, and the processes audited to confirm low environmental impacts and compliance.



    Fish fed on meat industry by-products or leftovers is common. Insect-based feed is more rich in nutrients, thus providing natural growth and quality meat.



    It is demonstrated that eggs and meat produced with feed of insect origin is more nutritious and tastier. The diet is the best by nature and living conditions healthier.



  • International


    ENTOTRUST ist die freiwillige Zertifizierung von Insekten als Lebensmittel, mit der Hersteller die Lebensmittelsicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Produkte bewerten können. Die Mission von ENTOTRUST ist es, die Qualität von Lebensmitteln mit essbaren Insekten zu erkennen und das Vertrauen der Verbraucher zu stärken. Das ENTOTRUST Logo darf nur von zertifizierten Lebensmittelherstellern und Landwirten verwendet werden. Das ENTOTRUST Programm lockt eine Welt an, in der Insekten gesunde Lebensmittel und hochwertige Proteine ​​bereitstellen, die einer breiteren Bevölkerung zugänglich sind und ökologische und soziale Vorteile bieten.


    ENTOTRUST est une démarche volontaire de certification des aliments à base d'insectes comestibles. ENTOTRUST a pour mission d’évaluer la sécurité et la durabilité des aliments que les producteurs leur soumettront. Le logo ENTOTRUST ne peut être utilisé que par les fabricants de produits alimentaires certifiés et les agriculteurs. Le programme ENTOTRUST envisage un monde où les insectes fourniront des aliments sains et des protéines de grande valeur, accessibles à une population plus large et soucieuse des grands enjeux environnementaux et sociaux de notre monde.


    ENTOTRUST is het vrijwilligersinitiatief voor de certificering van voeding op basis van insecten, die producenten in staat stelt voedselveiligheid en duurzaamheid te beoordelen. Het is de missie van ENTOTRUST om kwaliteitsnormen rond eetbare insecten voor klanten herkenbaar te maken. Het ENTOTRUST logo mag alleen door gecertificeerde voedselproducenten en telers worden gevoerd. Het ENTOTRUST programma beoogt een wereld waar insecten een bron zijn van gezonde voeding en hoogwaardige proteïnen voor een breed publiek. Met belangrijke voordelen voor mens en milieu.


    ENTOTRUST es la certificación voluntaria de alimentos a base de insectos comestibles, que permite a los productores evaluar la gestión de seguridad alimentaria y sostenibilidad de los mismos. La misión de ENTOTRUST es reconocer alimentos de calidad a base de insectos comestible. El logotipo de ENTOTRUST solo puede ser utilizado por productores y criadores de alimentos certificados. El programa ENTOTRUST visualiza un mundo donde los insectos proporcionaran alimentos saludables, proteínas de alto valor, accesibles a una población más amplia con beneficios ambientales y sociales.


    ENTOTRUST è la certificazione volontaria degli alimenti a base di insetti, che consente ai produttori di valutarne la sicurezza e la sostenibilità ambientale. La missione di ENTOTRUST è di riconoscere e segnalare prodotti di qualità a base di insetti commestibili. Il logo ENTOTRUST può essere utilizzato solo dai produttori ed allevatori certificati. Il programma ENTOTRUST prevede un mondo in cui gli insetti forniranno alimenti salutari, proteine di alto valore, accessibili per gran parte della popolazione, con benefici ambientali e sociali.




    ENTOTRUST เป็นการรับรองโดยสมัครใจสำหรับอาหารแมลงที่ช่วยให้ผู้ผลิตเพื่อความปลอดภัยของอาหารและการพัฒนาอย่างยั่งยืน สามารถใช้โลโก้ ENTOTRUST โดยผู้ผลิตอาหารที่ได้รับการรับรองและเกษตรกรที่ได้รับการรับรอง. โปรแกรม ENTOTRUST สนับสนุนโลกที่มีโปรตีนมูลค่าสูงสำหรับประชากรในวงกว้างที่มีผลประโยชน์ด้านสิ่งแวดล้อมและสังคม


    ENTOTRUST это добровольная сертификация продуктов питания для насекомых, которая позволяет производителям оценивать безопасность и соответствие требованиям защиты окружающей среды пищевых продуктов. Миссия ENTOTRUST - узнавать качественную пищу на основе съедобных насекомых. Логотип ENTOTRUST может использоваться только сертифицированными производителями продуктов питания и фермерами. Программа ENTOTRUST представляет мир, в котором насекомые будут поставлять здоровую пищу, высококачественные белки, доступные для более широкой популяции с экологическими и социальными преимуществами.


    ENTOTRUST (엔토트러스트)는 곤충식품 생산자의 제품 안정성과 지속가능성을 평가하는 자발적 제품인증 규격입니다. ENTOTRUST (엔토트러스트)의 주된 과업은 식용곤충을 원료로 하는 식품의 품질 인증입니다. ENTOTRUST (엔토트러스트) 로고는 인증을 통해 안정성이 확인된 식품생산자와 곤충사육농가에서만 사용될 수 있습니다. ENTOTRUST (엔토트러스트) 프로그램은 고단백질의 건강한 먹거리인 곤충식품을 보다 많은 전 세계 사람들에게 친환경적이며 사회적편익을 창출하며 제공하게 되는 세상을 지향합니다.